Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's Official- We're Moving

Well I've been threatening to do this for a long time...but it's official now....I've started a BLOG!! You guys are going to learn to fall in love with all my...... Just know that when they're there, I've probably been distracted by a shiny object.

Anyway, we received word last Monday that Jason had been accepted to Texas A&M, so we are now officially Aggies and will be moving to Texas sometime in late July/early August. (More on that in the future)

So now I have friends and family on two fronts to keep up with. And if history has taught us anything, it is that doing battle on two different fronts can be risky. So I came up with a most brilliant solution if I do say so myself....I'll start a blog!

So here it is.(The blog that is) Don't be surprised if it changes formats like 50 times in the next few weeks. My hopes for this blog is to post at least weekly and let you guys know what is going on with us. I hope to have lots of great pictures of me at the Aggies football games, working whatever job I end up with, and perhaps even, pictures of my latest acquisitions from my shopping escapades. (Note to self: start taking more pictures) Robyn keeps telling me that Texas is a lot less expensive than NM...I hope she's right!!

So I've babbled on long enough about nothing for this, my official first post. Leave me a comment & let me know what you think.