Friday, February 18, 2011

Vegan by Day...

Hi friends and family. Are you guys even checking for post anymore, since I have not posted since AUGUST for goodness sake? I wouldn't blame you if you have given up that I'll ever have anything new to say. I am so bad. However, there have been so many changes since August that I've decided to use this blog as a public journal of my many exploits in the remainder of 2011. My 30th year will be the best one yet, I am determined to make it so.

In the last six months I was fired from my job (I know its cliche but it is the best thing that ever happened to me,) I decided to change career paths entirely and have enrolled in school for a second time and determined to tackle my food and weight issues once and for all. I want to be an addiction councilor for goodness sake. I can't really tell alcoholics to get a hold of their drinking while I'm obese can I?

To get a jump start and to give myself the ultimate challenge, I am doing a 40 day experiment in vegananism. I say experiment because even though I won't be eating a lot of dairy (no butter, cheese, etc) I am not committed to spending tons of money on vegan bread and vegan certified products. I don't have a bread problem, I have a eat too much with little to no self-control problem. A little casein in my dinner isn't the point.Jason and I also eat out at least weekly with our friends and I am not willing to sacrifice this. There are plenty of good and healthy vegetarian options in most restaurants. So when I'm out with friend I am giving myself permission to not be a strict vegan.

Today started Day 1. I have yet to go grocery shopping so I haven't stuck to the plan as strictly as I should. I had some Greek yogurt for breakfast and a beer with lunch. I'm sorry, but I can't let a perfectly good beer go to waste. It just feels wrong! However, my lunch consisted of roasted bell pepper fajita w/ salsa verde and fave beans. It doesn't sound that good I know but it wasn't bad. I will say because I wasn't have that insanely sensuous food experience that I have with say, good sushi or amazing pasta, I stopped eating when I was no longer hungry. . Apparently, I don't have that big of an appetite...interesting.

Well I think that's it for today. I've put way more out into a public forum than I've ever been comfortable with before. But one of my resolutions this year is to be real; and let's be real, you look at me and its obvious that I struggle in this area. There is a reason all of my facebook profile photos are 6 years old.

I covet your prayers as I try to take this on. God give me the strength to turn to you instead of food to deal with this insanity that is my mind on a daily basis.

1 comment:

Stoltzola said...

Good luck Kelly, when you find the secret to moderation, please let me know. I fear though, there probably is no secret... darn... probably just hard work and change in lifestyle, routines and habits. Still any tips you find to work, please share. - Brian